陳慧娴爱好研究理解他人的艺术。她精通各种研究方法,能够引导人们表达出他们的需要和想法。曾在AC 尼尔森国际市场研究公司和TNS市场研究公司工作过, 她熟知各种研究方法并喜欢突破传统推陈出新,开拓能给客户带来更多发现的新型研究手段。陳慧娴毕业于多伦多大学。
David is a customer experience researcher and consultant. He has 15 years of professional experience in research, design and strategy consulting. He specializes in researching and translating customer value into corporate strategies. He also has extensive experience in interaction design, having worked on everything from ATM machines to mobile phones. He is a frequent guest lecturer and speaker on design research and innovation and provides training and workshop on research methods and has consulted for some of the world’s largest international companies. He is a strong proponent of using in-depth research techniques to understand how deep socio-cultural values influence people’s attitudes and behaviors towards brands, products and services.
Jay has
over 16 years of business experience as a successful entrepreneur, business
strategist and technology consultant in a variety of industries including
media/entertainment, IT, e-commerce, healthcare and financial services. During
his career, Jay has helped many companies establish their presence across Asia.
He has also advised a number of clients - including HSBC Private Bank and Star
TV - on the development of new technology-enabled ventures and leveraging
existing IT infrastructure to increase productivity.
Jay co-founded OneAsia.com, an online retailer of Asian entertainment product.
In February 2000, Tom.com, an associate company of Hutchison Whampoa, acquired
the founders' interest in the company.
Jay has an MBA from London Business School, and speaks six languages,
including Hindi, Mandarin and Cantonese. He has worked and lived in eight
countries across Asia, Europe and North America.
林旭华有30年的跨媒体工作经验涉及到印刷媒体,广播,卫星电视,影像出版和视频点播。林旭华同时是经验丰富的媒体技能和危机传播培训师及媒体战略的高级顾问。他在许多大型公司包括一些香港最大的公司担任各种职务。作为香港影业协会的创始人,林旭华 (现任副主席) 每年积极参加香港电影金像奖和反盗版的活动。他还是公民教育委员会成员,香港电台顾问委员会成员和儿童癌病基金会创始人之一。
勞維信在电信、科技行业和软件行业有20多年的工作经验。他帮助客户在手机媒体,支付方式,电子媒体和web 2.0空间的运营方面制定和执行服务战略。他曾经在贝尔实验室,大东电信集团,香港电信和S Venture(一家创业投资公司)担任过不同职务。他还对香港和中国大陆的经济和社会发展有深刻的洞察和了解。勞維信持有香港中文大学的理学学士学位和哲学硕士学位以及美国布朗大学的博士学位,此外还曾在欧洲工商管理学院接受过高层主管培训。
Jeanette Whyte前英国电信总监,有将近30年的电信工作经验,她曾在战略制定,组合管理,产品发展,国际商业发展和IT领域担任过要职。亚洲各个行业的许多公司,从刚起步的小公司到大蓝筹公司甚至政府的投资促进部门都找Jeanette给他们做顾问。Jeanette毕业于英国拉夫堡大学获得荣誉管理学学士学位。她是伦敦商学院史隆硕士,还获得了英国皇家特许行销主管专业资格文凭。
黃炽敏是热心的、令人振奋的催化者,拥有杰出的国际经验,在加拿大和英国跨国公司有将近20年的工作经验,“Carpe Diem(把握每一天)” –他坚信前进的最佳道路是抓住每一刻、体验每一刻。在伦敦商学院获得MBA学位后, 黃炽敏以变革管理顾问的身份进入了私募股权领域。 他的成功源于他引介新的过程和步骤,提升公司的设计和文化,为企业赢得新商机并点燃了员工的工作激情进而推动了变革使公司得以咸鱼翻身。 黃炽敏喜欢和家人在一起,喜欢打高尔夫球。
We are always looking for extraordinary free agents to join our network of catalysts. We work with experienced independent consultants and trainers who have a postgraduate degree awarded by a top-flight institute. Send us your CV if you enjoy working with a creative and dynamic team and share our passion in and commitment to making a meaningful difference to the world.
Alastair has worked for 30 years in global public relations and local/regional media organizations, with extensive consulting experience in the design and delivery of corporate and marketing communications programmes, issues and reputation management. He works very often with senior management on client-side to facilitate and ensure alignment of communications programmes with business objectives, strategic direction, and overall vision. On behalf of Children’s Cancer Foundation, Alastair proposed and successfully lobbied the HKSAR government for the establishment of a Centre of Excellence in Paediatrics. Alastair is also a media veteran. For many years he was a senior producer and programme presenter at public broadcaster Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK). He graduated at the University of Oxford with a bachelor degree in music.
Jonas is the Mr Know-It-All in the team. A researcher and a designer with a broad background ranging from architecture to cultural management, Jonas is particularly interested in the causes and effects of consumer and social behavior at all levels, and in their roles in defining corporate strategies in a multicultural and global context. Jonas has worked in the UK, Hong Kong and PRC with experience in architecture, graphics, theatre and research. As a designer, Jonas understands the importance of visual thinking as a catalyst to understanding and solving complex and abstract business problems. Graduated from University of Edinburgh in the UK, he also holds a MA in Cultural Management from Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is a member of the Royal Institute of British Architects.
Graham Barkus专长是进行企业教练,培训,调解,冲突管理以及组织变革和发展。他特别善于帮助企业平衡营远效率和战术思维跟创意及创新在领导风格,问题解决方法和认知模式上不同的要求 。他的“日常工作”是负责国泰航空公司的组织发展和人力资源培训。Graham为新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学语言学专业一级荣誉毕业生,曾在伦理学、商法和商业调解专业进行过硕士学位研究。2008年他作为荣誉生获得欧洲工商管理学院临床组织心理学专业的学历证书。